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Member of Eminent Global Communities

National | International Research Journal Membership and Examiner (Research work)
  • Author | Membership: Renowned German Publication House (Omni Scriptum GmbH & Co. KG)
  • As Researcher, Editior and Reviewer at world renowned IEEE USA Computer Society
  • Honorary research work reviewer @ Bentham Science NETHERLANDS EUROPE | Worldwide
  • WEF Global Shapers community (World Economic Forum
  • Honorary PhD Examiner | D.Lit Examiner | Referee appointed by Nagpur University, Maharashtra
  • Life member of research journal, IJMRAE (International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Advances    in Engineering)
  • Life member of research journal, IJERIA (International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Applications)

Global Community Member of: 

  • Global Network of Doctorates
  • IEEE Computer Society Members
  • CXO (CEO, COO, CFO, CIO, & CTO) Community
  • United Business Institutes, MBA Alumni
  • Harvard Business Review - Reader's Forum
  • The Leader Campus(TM) - World Leader Community Group
  • Iasa: The Global IT Architect Association
  • Information Security Community
  • Top Recommended People
  • Cloud, Data Center & IT Infrastructure Specialists
  • Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, SaaS & Virtualization


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